Dugs Day at School

Dugs Day at School
By Vanessa's Team
Description: Still in work in progress. I just didn't know the deadline. Dug goes to school to find himself in a heap of trouble. He gets blamed for a bully named bones actions. His only purpose was waiting for the Bell to ring. Everyday after school he would take all of his frustrations out in his shed. He made so many new inventions technology couldn't keep up with him. Until one day he came up with a bright Idea to make a Vibe Machine. This is his only way to popularity. His plan takes a turn for the worst as he steps into the Machine. The Machine starts making funny noises and blows the door off the hinges SENDING Dug flying down the hillside. Dug finds himself right smack infront of the teacher he was trying so desperately to fit in with the rest of the students. He got 20 days detention. Not bad for almost burning down the school. He got popular in the worst way possible. Moral of this story be careful what you wish for
- AAnonymous---
Hello again, Vanessa! As I already mentioned in previous submissions, I admire your originality, your creativity when creating characters and your unique way of giving them life in full color and with maximum expressiveness in their faces. Good job! :)
- AAnonymous---
Vanessa, thank you so much for making this! I can't believe how much story you have here. So many characters. So many ideas! It's incredible. I love the moments where you've broken the frames into multiple panels like a comic book. Those have an 'animated feel.' I know you mentioned you were strapped for time, so I hope you keep going and maybe take this course again, or at least exhibit again, so we can see this story fully fleshed out. I would love to see that! I can see you have many stories in you, so you hope you keep working to get them all out. My other suggestion would be to turn down the sfx volume. But man, sound is so hard. I had difficulties with my sound too. Thank you again for exhibiting. This was so much fun! Keep going!