Hope, the Snail

Hope, the Snail
By Jane's Team
Description: Hope lives in Central Park, New York, and dreams of being a conductor. She gets her chance when the Carnegie Hall conductor runs away to Central Park and decides he would rather be a gardener. He teaches Hope how to conduct an orchestra. The other snails, Marty and Frank, laugh at Hope. Hope and the Conductor practice at Carnegie Hall... but the Manager thinks having a snail conductor will make them a laughing stock. He tells them to get out. Hope misses Central Park and her snail friends. But the audience is chanting. The manager is desperate. Hope decides to do it. But the audience walks out. Frank and Marty give her encouragement from the balcony. They have come to support her. She decides she must give it a go. The orchestra loves it. The audience return. They all cheer. And ever since then, Hope has been a famous conductor in Carnegie Hall and Central Park.
- AAnonymous---
I like the new additions! They make it more clear and it gives more to the whole story! Apart from that, I don't know what else to comment, maybe you can remove the end song if it's not royalty free (since it needs to be royalty free). The message is nice!
- AAnonymous---
Thank you, Diego. I really appreciate your comments. All the best.
- AAnonymous---
Hello, Jane! How wonderful! I love how much your story has improved, the music has given it more excitement! I really liked the new changes, like the use of yellow for the lights, and the new images. The ending is very nice and touching, what a great story! You have made us feel for Hope, the snail, and you have offered us a beautiful and motivating moral. Thank you and congratulations for a great job! Hugs and Regards :)
- AAnonymous---
Thank you, Isla, for your positive energy and contribution. It's great to be part of this community.
- AAnonymous---
Love your story, Jane! Never giving up on your dreams is such an important message! I really like Hope's character design and personality! I'd love to see more dynamic angles and lighting but all in all it is a wonderfully told visual story. The only thing you might want to change is the ending music - Story XP might not be able to use it as it is probably copyrighted. Great work on completing it! Hope's story is wonderful!
- AAnonymous---
Hi Lauren, Thanks so much for taking the time to make such great comments. It means a lot to me that you can see Hope's personality in such a simple character as a garden snail. Cheers, Jane.