VioLET's Kite

VioLET's Kite
By Isla's Team
Description: I once heard that stories are written to put children to sleep and awaken adults... Well, this story, which wanted to come out of some hidden place between my mind and my heart, has finally wanted to see the light, not only to awaken the dormant feelings of young and old, but also to inspire beautiful emotions and teach valuable messages, such as the power of hope, the importance of seeking one's own freedom or the need to learn to let go in life. VioLET is a girl who, as her own name suggests, must learn to accept and LET go in order to grow and mature, forcibly removed from a mother who is recovering (and transforming too) in a mental health center, and inspired by the example of her butterfly-shaped kite (once woven by her mother), who longs to fly freely and cross the multi-colored universe that awaits her beyond the rainbow. Through this poetic journey into herself, A FLIGHT OF TRANSFORMATION FROM FEAR TO LOVE, she will need to face complex obstacles, such as waiting for an absent mother, to learn to be patient and give freedom to the dreams of her beloved butterfly to learn to let go of control. However, these complex separations, which this shy and nostalgic girl resists at first, will only bring her closer to the best version of herself: the mature, free and courageous Violet, who flows and opens herself up with full confidence to the inevitable changes in life, to new friendships and to enjoying the present moment with a loving and joyful attitude. As we shall see, our protagonist would love to be able to keep her mother and her kite by her side forever, but this would prevent her, and both of them, from growing and blossom. That is why the value and strength of hope plays a fundamental role in this work, as the saying goes: 'Hope is the last thing you lose'. And, personally, I would add: 'on the long road of learning and experience, much like life itself'. Why use works of art as scenarios in this reel? Because this is a tribute to some of the greatest and most famous painters with the desire to rescue some of their most outstanding works and bring them to life through a fresh and new story full of emotions. Like everything in life, everything has a “why?” and a “what for?”. Violet can't wait for her mother's arrival and, therefore, dreams of the ‘The Persistence of Memory' by Dalí, obsessed with the passage of time. Likewise, she sleeps in 'The Bedroom' by the painter, who was immersed in great sadness, as was Van Gogh in his time. Moreover, she nostalgically remembers works of great maternal instinct by the revolutionary Picasso of that time, who was committed to ‘Two Girls Reading', and the feminist, Klimt, and admirer of feminine beauty, who painted 'Three Ages of a Woman'. At the same time, Violet adores being in contact with living, colorful nature, such as that of the 'Parc Monceau', which she uses as a refuge, just as the impressionist painter Monet did. As we shall also see, our protagonist, whose mother struggles from a distance to escape depression, also enters the solitary inner world of Hopper and his 'House by the Railroad'. Finally, the life of this emotional young girl could not miss something as inspiring and changing as the sea and its painter par excellence, Sorolla, who endows this story with harmony, vigor and beauty with such vibrant works as ‘Young Girl in a Silvered Sea'. For me, poetry is a concoction of history, color and melody, with a pinch of magic and a mysterious passion for life. For me, poetry is to offer that vision of life with no other intention than to see meaning and beauty even where there is disharmony. It has been my greatest desire to have been able to season the recipe of this story so that it can be savored, leaving a pleasant sweet and, why not, bitter taste. So, VioLET’s Kite is a story which is as real as it is fantastic, and shows the metamorphosis of a daughter and her mother through time and space. It is my heart's desire to inspire confidence, hope and love. Therefore, I would like to thank the extraordinary team of Story Xperiential (Pixar In a Box), both teachers and classmates, for their lessons, for the great support they have offered and for all the learning they have given me on this exciting and artistic journey, where I have felt so much at home. On my part, I just want to do my bit for a pioneering film industry that has opened up the possibility to talk about emotions in a beautiful and authentic way and which, in my humble opinion, could bring even more magic to its stories with a more poetic vision of animation. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART ...................................................................................................... “You’ll be a poorer person all your life if you don’t know some of the great stories and great poems.” ― Walt Disney “We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion (…) But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” ― John Keating (Robin Williams), Dead Poets Society “Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all.” ― Emily Dickinson ...................................................................................................... MUSIC Theme Music (generously provided by Ricardo Andrés Tomás-Flowpiano) -El Vals de las Hojas -Soltar -Alas de Mariposa SOURCES-PICTURES Vicent Van Gogh -The Bedroom -The Starry Night Salvador Dalí -The Persistence of Memory -Young Woman at a Window Gustav Klimt -The Three Ages of Woman Pablo Picasso -Two Girls Reading Claude Monet -The Parc Monceau -Path in the Wheat Fields at Pourville Edward Hopper -Hotel Room -House by the Railroad -New York, New Haven and Hartford Joaquín Sorolla -Children on the Beach -Girl on the Beach -Girls in the Sea -The Beach in Valencia -Young Girl in a Silvery Sea Banksy -Girl with Balloon
- MMiriam---
Me encanta. Es una historia preciosa con un gran mensaje. Felicidades.
- MMayte---
- YYolanda ---
Bella historia,y mejor mensaje.
- AAnonymous---
I am out of words... It was a beautiful story, definitely visually poetic, it was a very creative way of using the paintings from older masters. The story is also interesting and compelling, I could feel the sadness, anger and worry of the girl through the expressions of the girl in your drawings. There is just one thing that made me confused, why did the butterfly kite turn into the plushie? Other than that, the story was clear. I am glad her mom came back as I was beginning to believe something happened to her, maybe because of my personal experience, in my childhood I have experienced something kind of like that, but my mom was in the hospital delivering my sister, and she didn't come back :(. I am glad Violet's mom came back, but even if she wouldn't have, I think Violet had already became strong enough to overcome it. Great story! I enjoyed watching it.
- AAnonymous---
Dear Zazil, thank you very much for your comment. I am especially pleased with your feedback and insight into the story. It is clear that you have understood the subject and that you have first-hand knowledge of it. I am very sorry for your personal experience with your mother, I hope you are feeling great today, totally recovered, and I send you lots of strength and a big hug. Experiences like yours mark us for life and invite us to open our minds and hearts more and become more sensitive to other people in similar situations. For this reason, I also thank you for your confidence in telling me about such a personal subject, you are very kind and brave. On the other hand, regarding the part of the involution of the butterfly into a caterpillar (after Violet had cut off its wings for not letting it fly free), I chose this stuffed caterpillar because I was attracted by the sad expression on its face and its composition. In fact, beyond the material the caterpillar is made of, what I want to emphasise with the butterfly's backward turn is the paradox of a butterfly no longer flying, but crawling like a caterpillar. I hope this may inspire my response and the story itself a little more. Thanks again and best wishes to you ;)
- AAnonymous---
This is such a beautifully crafted story reel with a powerful message! Letting go of the things you love so that they - and ultimately you yourself - can grow… I love it. You found a great metaphor to portrait this struggle. Wonderful job Isla! <3
- AAnonymous---
Oh, thank you so so much, Mary! Very kind :) I'm glad you liked the story and its message. A big hug, my friend, and all the best!!
- AAnonymous---
Wow Isla! You put so much thought and detail into this work. I love all the mixed media and painting references. A really fun touch that helped bring your story to life.
- AAnonymous---
Thank you so much, Nicole! I'm glad you liked the idea of mixing media and painting references, I really enjoyed the process :) Hugs and regards! ;)
- AAnonymous---
The cover is super nice! It really adds up to your story, like an invitation to enter in your world. The credits was also nice! And of course your whole submission is very interesting. I tried to find a specific change or additional thing to comment, otherwise I think I said everything in my previous comments. Maybe I didn't reoly, but also your additional explanation at the ending was clear! Nice job once again:)
- AAnonymous---
Hello, Diego! Once again, thank you for your comments, always ready to help, enrich and improve our work. I'm glad you think the new additions have helped to make the story clearer ;) Regards!
- AAnonymous---
Isla, I feel at a loss for words. I was so moved by this I also was brought to tears! (Glad I’m not the only one) Although I haven’t experienced this exact situation, it nevertheless reached so deeply into my heart and soul. Also, I was overjoyed and absolutely blown away to see how far you took it from your first draft. Absolutely incredible. Every element is so beautiful, and the story is so moving. I love the unique artistic approach with the collage. I also saw in your history you also did a diorama! Your drawings are also beautiful. Thank you so much for this beautiful piece.
- AAnonymous---
Oh, Kimberly... You are very kind! I thank you infinitely for your precious words which also touch my heart. It is important to me that this story touches and also inspires hope in those who see it. A big hug, my friend! :)
- AAnonymous---
Beautiful hartwarming story! It reminded me a bit of Totoro. Smart uses of the paintings to tell your story and I loved the butterfly symbolism you used. Nice work!!
- AAnonymous---
Hello, Nanda! Thank you very much for your positive comment on my story, I'm glad you liked it. Best regards :)
- AAnonymous---
Isla your story brought tears to my eyes, passing by something like this in real life. Thanks for diplaying a complex and traumatic topic, with joy. Van Gogh's room and the remaining paintings hit like a hammer when the story unveilled. Thank you for sharing a great piece.
- AAnonymous---
Dear, Kjeld... First of all, I'm sorry you had to go through such a traumatic experience in your life. I hope you are now fully recovered and I am sure that what happened will have made you a stronger and braver person. Inevitably, who we are now is largely the result of the obstacles and challenges of the past, but we must look at them with gratitude in order to move forward into the future with confidence in life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your feedback and kind words, I am thrilled that you were touched by Violet's story. I send you a big hug and wish you all the best ;)
- AAnonymous---
Thank you Isla for your words I've saved them to read in the future. It's a process when it shakes the foundation, your words show wisdom and a renewed perspective of which I've been navigating more and more in this process of growth. Just rewatched Violet to see post-first impressions, it's a gem!
- AAnonymous---
Wow, Kjeld, how happy I am with your response, it's wonderful what you say! The fact that you have revisited Violet's story touches me, as well as the fact that my words have been helpful to you. It's great to see how we all nurture and support each other as we learn together on this beautiful creative path which inevitably involves a lot of personal work. 'There is always hope' ;) Best wishes to you, my friend!
- AAnonymous---
This is a sweet and sad story. The character lives in a world that is clearly separated from the real world. I like the surreal feel.
- AAnonymous---
That's it, Jennie, thank you for your comment! I'm glad you liked the surreal feel :) Best Regards!
- AAnonymous---
A beautiful and fantastical journey of warmth, love and growth your short has! I felt the immense passion that emanated from both your film and the really long description you wrote, and it really hits deep in the way that you summarized your thoughts and feelings as you were working on this project! I am honored to have played a small yet still integral part in helping you develop and refine your masterpiece! Superb work, Isla! It’s been a real pleasure! And a hug to you as well!
- AAnonymous---
Wow, Majid! What wonderful words, so sincere and beautiful! Hundreds of thanks! Yes, I am very grateful to you and the rest of my colleagues for your feedback, because it is thanks to you, along with those of my friends and family, that I have been able to add those little changes to make the story clearer and more understandable. I feel very fortunate to be part of a course where colleagues are so involved in supporting us to improve our work and projects. All the best, Majid, another hug back to you!